Jason (Jay) Burk

jb23590@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
- Coral reef genomics & ecology
- Insect identification & ecology
- Wildlife photography (terrestrial & marine)
From insects to dolphins and corals to birds, my research roles have covered a range of both terrestrial and marine ecosystems addressing the likes of species distributions, acoustic communication analyses, photographic identification, visual ecology and artificial intelligence, and human impacts on protected populations. More recently and currently my work has focused on genetics, genomics and species connectivity. On a more personal level, taxonomy, species morphology and the diversity of life on our planet has fascinated me throughout my life. This has not only led to a great passion for finding and identifying animals but a love for photographing them. My wildlife photography has been showcased across various platforms including BBC Earth, the RSPB, the Marine Biological Association and the Wildlife Trusts.
Research Masters (MRes) Degree in Biosciences Aberystwyth University (2022)
Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc Hons) Degree in Zoology Aberystwyth University (2021)
Research and professional activities
Understanding Coral Connectivity and its Drivers across the Indian Ocean
Porites is a Scleractinia coral genus resilient to climate change-induced increases in sea surface temperature. Understanding Porites population connectivity is important in understanding future winners/losers on coral reefs. This project aims to examine cross-Indian ocean connectivity of P. lutea by investigating population structure and synthesising genomic and hydrodynamic connectivity patterns using next generation sequencing alongside satellite-tracked GPS drifters.
Supervisor: Dr Michelle Taylor , Prof Leanne Hepburn